Condition of Premises
Users of the Southern Swimming Pool are required to treat the building and equipment with respect and as intended. We ask you to report any observed defects and any accidents however caused to reception.
Swimming Lessons
Group Swimming Lessons are held over a 30-minute timeslot. Pupil ratios are 4-to-1 for preschool, 6-1 for stages 1-5, and higher for other more advanced stages. One-to-one lessons last 30 minutes unless a different duration is booked.
Teaching Policies, Procedures and Parental Responsibilities
Southern Swimming Pool teachers are either Swim England or Swimming Teacher Association qualified. All our teachers have undergone enhanced DBS checks. It is our policy to provide temporary replacement swimming teachers in the event of any instructor being absent. We reserve the right to replace swimming teachers, if necessary, oncenecessary once the term has started.
Swimming teachers are only responsible for pupils during their swimming lessons; parents and/or guardians are responsible at all other times. The swimming lesson begins when the swimming teacher accepts charge of the pupil and ends when the child is returned to the parent in the shower area.
Parents/guardians are asked not to distract their child or the teacher during lessons. It is difficult for teachers to keep pupils’ attention if they are being distracted, and children’s progress can be affected.
Parents of children under eight years of age must remain on the premises while the pupil is in their lesson. This is imperative in case of the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergencies.
Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should direct all communication through the Swimming Lesson Coordinator or Southern Swimming Pool Manager.
Dress Code
We recommend that all children wear tight-fitting swimwear, as baggy trunks, for example, can compromise movement. Girls are asked to wear a one-piece swimsuit.
In the interests of health and hygiene, swimmers must visit the toilet and shower before entering the pool. Swimmers with long hair should wear a swimming cap or make sure their hair is securely tied back.
Please remove earrings and other jewelryjewellery to prevent injury and loss. Sleepers can be kept in recently pierced ears, but they should be taped and a hat or ear band worn to protect the ears.
If swimmers want to wear goggles, these should be provided by parents/guardians, who should make sure they fit correctly before the lesson. Please encourage your child not to play with goggles during lessons.
Special Needs
We cannot accept responsibility for the medical condition(s) or other special needs of any swimmer unless full disclosure of the details has been made to the Southern Swimming Pool at registration. If a swimmer subsequently discovers that they are subject to a medical condition or further needs, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the parent/guardian of a swimmer to inform the Swimming Lesson Coordinator or Southern Swimming Pool Manager in writing.
Pupil Progression
All pupils on the Learn to Swim programme work towards the ASA National Plan for Teaching Swimming. Our swimming teachers continually assess pupils’ progression throughout the term. Progression of pupils will be at the judgment of the teacher and the Swimming Lesson Coordinator, following the criteria of the National Plan. Pupils will be moved at the point when they meet the skills criteria required for progression to the next stage, andstage and will not be held back until the end of a term. Due to the continuous progressive nature of our programme, and the variety of ability levels within each session, we cannot guarantee a specific time slot on progression, as space within the next stage may not always be immediately available. Consideration will be made for siblings and other family members.
Please note that if further payment has not been received when the current payment block expires, the swimmer will be removed from the register. We can no longer reserve your place in the next payment block and will be available for another customer to book. Payment can be made through CoursePro on your HomePortalHome Portal account. If payment is not made and you lose access to CoursePro, you will need to re-enrol.
Please note that if further payment has not been received when the current payment block expires, the swimmer will be removed from the register and will not be able to swim until payment has been received. We can no longer reserve your place in the next term and will be available for another customer to book.
Changing and Moving
If you wish for a change of time, day or swimming teacher, we will try to accommodate your request provided space is available. However, this may not always be the case.
Cancelled/Pool Closure
Private lessons must be paid for in full, a minimum of 48 hours before the lesson takes place. If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund. The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Southern Swimming Pool Manager.
In the unusual event of pool closure or lesson cancellation, we will make every attempt to contact you as soon as possible. Therefore, please ensure that your contact details are up-to-dateup to date on CoursePro.
In the circumstances of closure/cancellation, a credit note will be given in place of future payment for the following term. In the instance of a pupil not returning to our classes for a further term, a refund for missed lessons will be given.
Refunds Policy
If, after booking swimming lessons, you need to cancel, you can do so by contacting the Southern Swimming Pool's Swimming Coordinator (coordinator@southernswimmingpool.im) in writing within seven days of making the booking. You will receive a refund of the payment made.
If you want to cancel after seven days of making the booking, you may do so by contacting the Swimming Coordinator in writing at any time before your first lesson, or up to three working days after your first lesson. You will receive a refund of payment made, less fees for the lesson provided (if applicable). After this period, we cannot offer refunds or credit notes if you are unable to attend lessons.
The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Southern Swimming Pool Manager.
If you cannot attend several consecutive lessons for medical reasons, we can credit the following terms’ lessons for those sessions missed, providing you give a copy of a doctor’s note to the Pool Manager.
Private lessons must be paid for in full, a minimum of 48 hours before the lesson takes place. If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund. The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Southern Swimming Pool Manager.
Swimmer Illness
If you or your child are unwell, DO NOT attend swimming lessons. If your child has been ill during the last 14 days with diarrhoeadiarrheadiarrhoea, they must not attend their lesson. If your child has been displaying symptoms of COVID 19, do not attend the Southern Swimming Pool, you must isolate immediately and follow the Isle of Man Government's latest advice. Any swimmer known to be, or found to be, suffering from any infectious illness or condition will not be allowed to participate in the lesson.
It is the responsibility of each swimmer or the parent/guardian of the swimmer, to make ensure the swimmer is well enough to participate. The Southern Swimming Pool will not be held liable for any infection passed to a swimmer by another swimmer, whether in lessons or social swimming.
Child protection
Children aged over eight should change in the correct gender changing room. Children under eight should be supervised when using the toilet. Customers accept that at times there will be physical contact between the teacher and their child, in a professional, caring manner. Child protection, including bullying, is in line with Swim England child protection policies. The Southern Swimming Pool child protection policy and contact details for the Child Protection Officer can be provided on request.
Bookings can be taken at the Southern Swimming Pool. We process and record personal details and payments in a secure database in line with our GDPR Policy. On completion of a booking and payment, you will receive a confirmation email/letter containing all the information you’llyou will need for the new term.
We are not able to take bookings online.
All bookings should be accompanied by a payment. We accept payment via credit/debit card, cash, cheque or BACS. Please note, we do not accept American Express or Solo. No provisional bookings will be taken under any circumstances, for either current or new customers; places cannot be confirmed until paid in full.
Feedback, Ideas and Questions
We welcome your feedback and ideas – please get in touch with our Swimming Lesson Coordinator or the Pool Manager. For pupils’ progression, the teacher or Swimming Lesson Coordinator will give you feedback. Alternatively, you can track a swimmer's progress using CoursePro.
Changing rooms and viewing
Please aim to arrive at the poolside ready for your lesson five minutes before and leave promptly afterwards. To help ensure changing room comfort., please use the lockers to store clothing during lessons. Any clothing left in cubicles will be removed by pool staff to the Managers Office so that cubicles can be used by other customers.
No outside footwear should be worn poolside, except with shoe covers provided by our staff.
No photography or filming is permitted poolside.
No food is permitted poolside.
Valuables are left in the changing area at the owner’s risk.
Car seats, buggies and pushchairs should not be left in the changing rooms, due to limited space.
Swimmer Illness
If you or your child are unwell, DO NOT attend the pool. If you or your child has been ill during the last 14 days with diarrheadiarrhoea, they must not attend the pool. If you or your child have displayed symptoms of COVID 19, do not attend the Southern Swimming Pool, and you should must isolate immediately and follow the Isle of Man Government's latest advice. Any swimmer known to be, or found to be, suffering from any infectious illness or condition will not be allowed to enter the pool.
It is the responsibility of each swimmer or the parent/guardian of the swimmer, to ensure the swimmer is well enough to participate. The Southern Swimming Pool will not be held liable for any infection passed to a swimmer by another swimmer, whether in lessons or social swimming.
Cancelled/Pool Closure
If you need to cancel a party, please let us know at least 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so will mean that the hire cannot be transferred and will be billed.
In the unusual event of pool closure, we will make every attempt to contact you as soon as possible. Therefore, please ensure that you provide up-to-date contact details.
Your pool hire will need to be paid for 7 days in advance of the booking commencing. Food must be ordered 5 days in advance of the party taking place.
Refunds Policy
If, after booking a party, you need to cancel, you can do so by contacting the Pool Manager (opsmanager@southernswimmingpool.im) in writing. You will receive a refund of the payment made.
If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund.
The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
Your pool hire will include lifeguard supervision. All lifeguards are qualified by the Royal Lifesaving Saving Society. All lifeguards will follow RLSS guidance whilst supervising the session.
Function Room
Your hire will include the use of the function room which can be organised upon request. The hirerBookee is responsible for ensuring no damage is caused to any equipment used. In the event thatIf equipment becomes damaged, the hirerBookee may be held accountable for repair costs.
Pool Hire
Cancelled/Pool Closure
Please let us know at least 48 hours in advance if you need to cancel the booking. Failure to do so will mean that the hire will be billed.
In the unusual event of pool closure, we will make every attempt to contact you as soon as possible. Therefore, please ensure that you provide up-to-date contact details.
Your pool hire will need to be paid for 7 days in advance of the booking commencing.
Refunds Policy
If, after booking a hire, you need to cancel, you can do so by contacting the Pool Manager (opsmanager@southernswimmingpool.im) in writing. You will receive a refund of the payment made.
If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund.
The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
Your pool hire will include lifeguard supervision. All lifeguards are qualified by the Royal Lifesaving Saving Society. All lifeguards will follow RLSS guidance whilst supervising the session.
The pool can be organised as requested by the Bookeehirer. Pool hire includes the use of lane ropes and swimming aids, please note that any other equipment used may incur an additional charge. The hirerBookee is responsible for ensuring no damage is caused to any equipment used. In the event thatIf equipment becomes damaged, the hirerBookee may be held accountable for repair costs.
Multi-function Room Hire
Your room hire will need to be paid for 7 days in advance of the booking commencing.
Refund Policy
If, after booking a hire, you need to cancel, you can do so by contacting the Pool Manager (opsmanager@southernswimmingpool.im) in writing. You will receive a refund of the payment made.
If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund.
The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
Your hire requires that you have adequate insurance and relevant qualification (if required) for the activity taking place. The Southern Swimming Pool is not responsible for insurance but, will provide first aid if/when necessary. Please note that the maximum number of people allowed in the multifunction room at any one time is:
Class - 10 persons Meeting - 15 persons
The room can be organised as requested by the hirer. Please note that the use of the equipment will be charged at a higher rate. The hirer is responsible for ensuring no damage is caused to any equipment used. If equipment becomes damaged, the hirer may be held accountable for repair costs.
Cancelled/Pool Closure
In the unusual event of pool closure, we will make every attempt to contact you as soon as possible. Therefore, please ensure that you provide up-to-date contact details.
In the circumstances of closure/cancellation, a credit note will be given instead of future payment for the following block. In the instance of a member not returning to our classes for a further term, a refund for missed sessions will be given.
Refunds Policy
You must declare any sessions that you are unable to attend at the time of registration, otherwise, you will be charged regardless of attendance. If after booking the block, you need to cancel, you can do so by contacting the Pool Manager (opsmanager@southernswimmingpool.im) in writing. You will receive a refund of the payment made.
If you want to cancel within 48 hours of your booking, you will be unable to claim a refund.
The cancellation period may be extended under extraordinary conditions, at the discretion of the Pool Manager.
If you cannot attend several consecutive sessions for medical reasons, we can credit the missed sessions in the following block, providing you give a copy of a doctor’s note to the Pool Manager.
Your pool hire class will include lifeguard supervision. All lifeguards are qualified by the Royal Lifesaving Saving Society. All lifeguards will follow RLSS guidance whilst supervising the session..